Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Scarf

These are photos for an online shop called "My Scarf" again, its Sylvia take part of the model. Easily order your scarf here

This was a miscalculated shot, nevertheless it's kind of - i would said- "nice" :D

Friday, October 22, 2010

Demonstrasi 20 Oktober 2010

Foto-foto ini diambil pada tanggal 20 Oktober 2010 bertepatan dengan setahun masa pemerintahan SBY dengan Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu Jilid II. Ribuan demonstran memadati kawasan Istana Presiden untuk menyuarakan pendapat mereka. Mereka menuntut kinerja presiden beserta kabinet yang dipimpinnya. Dalam aksi demonstrasi ini, seseorang yang diduga pencopet diamankan oleh petugas.

Meskipun sempat diguyur hujan, aksi demonstrasi tetap berjalan. Massa melakukan long march dari Istana Presiden Menuju ke Jalan Diponegoro.

Monday, October 18, 2010


I'm doing this after looking through some beautiful shot made by @philhewitt. As I'm assisting Laxter Imageries, I do learnt a lot from basic photograph and lighting skills. Surely I'm proud of Laxter, being his assistant.

The model was my old friend, it's my pleasure she want to waste her time for me. :D Thanks Sylvia! And oh, the first photo is some imitate of my friend's pose for her display picture,
Thanks AM.

-Make the most of absolutely everything. - @philhewitt

Friday, October 15, 2010

Twitter as Search Engine

It's just always crossed in my mind, how does twitter could become a search engine?

A new media, a social network with a lot of post every single second give you more chance to keep updated with anything of information. Information given to you, without you realize, you already filtered it when you accept a follower requests on your account. I'd rather said it is an information, of course you don't wanna read someone who just ate a steak, or you just take a bath for two hours, something that really annoying. Basically, complaining is "the unrealized" habit haunting on everyone. That kind of complain was not count as information indeed.

Information is based on yourself, it's about what you need to know in the mean time. Let's say you need a brand new car, I am sure you will typed car, sell, cheap, or all of these words into google. What does google give you? sponsored links in the first row. But when you typed that keyword into twitter, it's all sort by the time you post these keyword. Meaning, it is more actual than what does google done. Last week I got to cover some activity in a book fair. I know the Title of the event already, I know exactly where the venue is, for reference I typed a keyword into search tab in Twitter. What I got ? , I got more information from who was there about an hour earlier. I know the pricing, how crowd the venue was, even which credit cards could give you more discount! Surely it helps.

But why that kind of search engine cannot beat google? my answer is, sometimes it will. The biggest problem is, all the post that come when you entered a keyword into, is not more reliable than google does. You even don't know who was the owner of an account that says "80 percent sale!" what if he lied? dissapointed. I'm just thinking, why could you post a hoax to be shared? If it's happen, what's the importance you use twitter? It's What’s happening? not What happen to you?